Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Bless me Ultima 5-10

Antonio is now going to El Puerto. This is his Uncles place, on his mother’s side. It is interesting to see the relationship that Antonio’s parents have with each other. Gabriel, his father, was a free ranching cowboy of the plains and his mother was raised as a Luna, witch is to say a farmer. The father has given up his dreams of roaming the land free with his buddies and has settled down to have a family. He often drinks to kill the memory of his past and his way of life, I see this as unhealthy, yet Antonio has benefited greatly by this decision. Antonio’s mother’s side of the family has always grown plants and therefore, they hold the earth and sky in great regards. They have many old traditions as to when planting of certain crops should be done, as well as when harvesting ceremonies take place. These two different backgrounds have given him many insights into how people view the world around them and I believe that Antonio’s biggest obstacle is going to be trying to figure out what path he will choose. I believe that Antonio’s father’s decision to stay in one place has given his family a place to grow up and with a stable family, we can see that Antonio will have a good education and learn a lot from both sides of his family.

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