Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Bless me ultima 10-15

These last few chapters have given me a lot of insight into how Antonio views his spirituality. His brothers have come back from the war and have left again to see other cities and other places; this has left his father a wreck. We see the Golden Carp and how Antonio must deal with his faith and his feelings. I think that Antonio has a lot going through his mind for a kid of that age. I know that when I was growing up, I didn’t think too much about life and it’s meaning, nor did I think much on my purpose in it. I was much to busy playing hide-and-seek, and other kid games to worry about the things that Antonio has to face. From the very first chapters we have seen how his mother wants for him to become a priest and yet his father would love for him to become a fellow cowboy to solidify his dream of carrying on the family bloodline. This book is very good at keeping the reader entertained.

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