Tuesday, December 5, 2006

Last chapter.

I have just finished the last chapter of the book “Bless me Ultima” and I must admit, I have mixed emotions as to it’s ending. We have just been shown another miracle preformed by Ultima in which she successfully drives away three ghosts from haunting a home. This helps to solidify the notion that Ultima knows what she’s doing and also that she has the best interests of people at heart. Word has traveled to Antonio, who is still farming with his uncles, that Torino, who is Ultima’s sworn enemy, has been drinking at he local bar and is seeking revenge. Antonio races to help warn Ultima but is almost trampled on by Torino as he races by on his horse. Antonio escapes and races to his home, but Torino’s already waiting. Ultima commands her owl on him, but Torino fires upon it, killing it instantly. Torino is seconds from blowing Antonio’s head off when his uncle fires his pistol into his stomach. Antonio is spared, but Ultima’s spirit dies with the owl. I feel that Antonio is left to find his own way now, but he has the experiences to face those decisions head on. I am left with one regret though, and that is to what path Antonio will chose. I guess it’s a feeling of needing closure, but that is why this book is and will continue to be great novel.
I have just finished the third to last chapter of "Bless me Ultima: and here we can see the deep questions that bother and intrigue young antonio. Antonio’s friend Florence is a non-believer in the Catholic faith and he brings up many questions that Antonio doesn’t have answers to. I feel that these chapters, Antonio is has to make a decision about which path he will chose for his life. I know that it is a lot for a child to think about, and I really don’t understand why Antonio is so preoccupied by such thoughts, but he has Ultima and loving parents to guide him in his search. In the second to last chapter, Antonio has faced the death of Florence and it has devastated him. Ultima suggests that he go and spend time with his Uncles, the Luna’s, in Pasturas. I believe this is a crucial turning point in the story, because the author uses foreshadowing to show that a change will be happening to Antonio and he will no longer think as he once did. I feel that the last chapter will hopefully shed some light and answer the question of “What will Antonio be”.

Tuesday, November 21, 2006

Bless me Ultima

I like the way this book brings up very deep questions and how Antonio is forced to accept them as well as try to find answers to them. Antonio and his friend, Florence are walking to church on day and Florence brings up some very interesting questions that Antonio has never dealt with before, such as sinning and why a person can live a life of sin, yet at death, he can be forgiven and still make it into heaven. I think that Antonio will continue to look at these types of questions and also I feel the he is leaning much more in the way of a priest. His mother has always forced him to look at the possibility of becoming a priest, and now that he is growing up, it is becoming more and more apparent that Antonio is more willing to accept that path.
This novel has some funny characters to it as well. I like the way the author give Antonio’s friends names, such as Bones, and Horse. This makes the novel more personal and genuine to many of its readers.

Bless me Ultima 16-17

I am at a part in the book where we have just witnessed the death of a family friend, Narciso. Antonio was on his way home, walking through a blizzard when he ran into a fight between Narciso and Tenorio. Tenorio despised Ultima and since she was staying with Antonio’s family, he despised them as well. After the fight was broken up, Narciso tried to get Antonio’s brother from a local whorehouse, yet to no avail. He ended up drudging up through the blizzard with Antonio close behind, and found that Tenorio was waiting for him. A lone pistol shot was heard and Narciso was dead. Antonio saw the whole thing, but ended up getting very sick and therefore could not be held as a suitable witness so Tenorio was not charged with any crime. We are beginning to see a spiritual clash of wills between Ultima and Tenorio. This leaves me to wonder how Antonio will digest it all and what he will decide as his life path.

Bless me ultima

The more I read this book the more I want to learn Spanish! I can understand it enough to get me by, but I am not very good at speaking it. Someone can ask me a question and I’ll know what he’s talking about but when it comes go giving him an answer, I’m pretty sure I sound like an idiot. Anaya chooses to use a lot of Spanish in this novel and for good reasons. With out it, the novel would not be the same; it would not have the appeal and the reality that draws the reader to keep reading. We are starting to see the events that will shape Antonio’s life forever. Those of witches and town drunks that commit murder while others turn their face. I believe that Antonio is starting to understand his place in the world, yet is unsure of becoming a priest like his mother wants. He is starting to ask a lot of religious questions within himself and we see that Ultima is his only confidant.

Bless me ultima 10-15

These last few chapters have given me a lot of insight into how Antonio views his spirituality. His brothers have come back from the war and have left again to see other cities and other places; this has left his father a wreck. We see the Golden Carp and how Antonio must deal with his faith and his feelings. I think that Antonio has a lot going through his mind for a kid of that age. I know that when I was growing up, I didn’t think too much about life and it’s meaning, nor did I think much on my purpose in it. I was much to busy playing hide-and-seek, and other kid games to worry about the things that Antonio has to face. From the very first chapters we have seen how his mother wants for him to become a priest and yet his father would love for him to become a fellow cowboy to solidify his dream of carrying on the family bloodline. This book is very good at keeping the reader entertained.

Bless me Ultima 5-10

Antonio is now going to El Puerto. This is his Uncles place, on his mother’s side. It is interesting to see the relationship that Antonio’s parents have with each other. Gabriel, his father, was a free ranching cowboy of the plains and his mother was raised as a Luna, witch is to say a farmer. The father has given up his dreams of roaming the land free with his buddies and has settled down to have a family. He often drinks to kill the memory of his past and his way of life, I see this as unhealthy, yet Antonio has benefited greatly by this decision. Antonio’s mother’s side of the family has always grown plants and therefore, they hold the earth and sky in great regards. They have many old traditions as to when planting of certain crops should be done, as well as when harvesting ceremonies take place. These two different backgrounds have given him many insights into how people view the world around them and I believe that Antonio’s biggest obstacle is going to be trying to figure out what path he will choose. I believe that Antonio’s father’s decision to stay in one place has given his family a place to grow up and with a stable family, we can see that Antonio will have a good education and learn a lot from both sides of his family.